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Delish Organics

Delish Organics Mulberry Leaf Green Juice - Convenient Pack

Regular price RM38.00 MYR
Regular price Sale price RM38.00 MYR
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How to Lose Weight & Stay Slim without giving up Rice and Noodle? The answer is here!

Delish Organic Mulberry Leaf is definitely different from the usual green juice.
It's a simple method of just mixing it with water and drinking.
採用100%日本國產九州鹿児島的桑葉, 並榮獲日本JAS有機認證,讓您食的安心。
✓有機健康 ✓控制血糖 ✓蔬果不足 ✓窈窕身材
(1.) Natural Carbohydrate blocker
(2.) Reduction of blood glucose level
(3.) Improvement effect on blood lipids
(4.) Improvement of bowel movement
(5.) Improvement of obesity to achieve the body slimming effect

(1.) 降低血糖值的效果
(2.) 改善血液中性脂肪的效果
(3.) 改善排便的效果
(4.) 改善体重
• 防止血糖急速上升,是對抗糖尿病的方法!
• 節制胰島素分泌,長期減低罹患糖尿病的危險性
• 抑制飲食中的糖分吸收,減少飲食的卡路里! 適合希望瘦身的人或減重的運動員。
• 調控血糖值,防止身體老化! 持續高血糖的話,血液中的葡萄糖和體內的蛋白質結合會成為引發各種疾病的原因,以及身體老化進展的原因。例如:視網膜疾病、腎臟疾病、神經疾病、動脈硬化、 皮膚皺紋和鬆弛等。

DNJ contained in mulberry leaves weakens the works of enzymes that absorb carbohydrates. That's why DNJ is called Natural Carbohydrates Blocker.

This is a healthy carbohydrate control that most people are still unaware of. This method is recommended for people who are taking too much sugar or who have carbohydrate restrictions.

Using 100% mulberry leaves made in Japan‘s Kyushu, Kagoshima. And won the Japanese JAS organic certification, so you can eat with peace of mind.

我们的产品是與日本產茶數量排行第2名的鹿兒島縣茶農簽約, 以有機農法栽培的桑葉當作原料,並搭配日本製茶的生產技術。 堅持使用高品質的有機桑葉作原料.
We contracted tea farmers in Kagoshima prefecture where Japan tea production quantity is the second largest in Japan. We utilize the tea production technology and grow mulberry leaves by the organic farming method.
Ingredients Organic mulberry leaf powder, organic dextrin, fermented ginger powder

・ Uses only organic mulberry leaves
・ Uses only young leaves rich in DNJ
・ Obtained organic JAS (Japan Agricultural Standard) certification
・ Individual packaging that is easy to take out
・ No preservatives used
・ No coloring agent used
・ No artificial fragrance
・ No genetically modified ingredients

How to use
Dissolve 1 sachet in 100 - 150ml of cold or hot water. Drink before meal or while eating. Can also mix with any drinks and cuisine.
每天餐前別忘了來1包 - 迪麗神有機桑葉粉。
1次1包,倒入100-150ml的 熱水&冷水中,攪拌均勻即可飲用。
還可以搭配任何飲品& 料理, 後勁清爽回甘。

• This product does not use preservatives, please consume as soon as possible after opening.
• This product uses natural crops without pigments, and the colour might change slightly, which is normal.
• If you are taking medicine or hospitalization, pregnant and breastfeeding women and children, please consult with the doctor before intake.

为「维持身材」和「控制高血糖」的高 CP 值材料。而关于其功效,更可以追朔到久远的古
老时代。在 2 世纪中国出版的《神农本草经》,据说这也就是本草学界的第一本书籍,相当
茶」的美名。为何无此神奇,其实这种茶对感冒、百日咳、中风、利尿等疾病都具有效应。 据说它对高血压和体内滋养也是有一定的影响力。 自古以来,桑叶一直被用作于对人体健康是相当有益处的食物之一。 其重要关键是在于桑叶含有活性成 分 DNJ(脱氧野尻霉素)是一种 a 一葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂,这种成分抑制糖的吸收,幷抑制 餐后血糖水准的升高。